- 09-16马巧珍教授作“Random dynamics of dispersive-dissipative wave equations driven by nonlinear colored noise”报告
- 09-16陈鹏玉教授作“Asymptotically autonomous upper semi-continuity of random attractors for 3D BBM equations driven by nonlinear noise”报告
- 09-13岳中琦教授作“岩土地质力学与矿产资源勘探的随钻监测DPM新原位测量方法探讨”报告
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- 09-13郭慧媛教授作“乳源功能组分:发现、机制及应用”报告
- 09-12熊杰研究员作“Exploring the new sensing modalities in wireless sensing”报告
- 09-12刘澜波教授作“青藏高原东缘脆性-延性分层与断层间距的启示”报告
- 09-10龚明教授作“一维耦合玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的相变和孤立子行为”报告
- 09-05葛治伸教授作“肿瘤微环境响应性高分子纳米药物载体”报告
- 08-29Carlo Barbante教授作“Beyond the limits of environmental analysis for climate research”、“Ice Memory”报告